Anarchy Showcase #01

Welcome to the first post showcasing various Anarchy Minecraft servers!
This series will explore a number of Anarchy servers, from 2b2t clones to other possibly unknown servers.

The first server we are covering is which is often attributed as a 2b2t clone even though it was created before the 'clone era' post July 2016. The term 'clone' to describe Constantiam may be valid though, as the original (which will also be featured post-mortem) was called a clone and it was around way back in 2014 when 2b2t went down for some time.

Constantiam Stats

Created: February 2016
Owner: PhantomCaptain
Map Size: 479GB (21 Sept 2017)
Total Players Joined: Unknown
Subreddit: r/constantiam

The Constantiam spawn - April 2017

Constantiam is generally played by a more mature regular community with the average age seemingly above 18. There are no gameplay rules.

Much like any Minecraft server these days, Constantiam has seen it's fair share of 'drama', from group base collapses to conspiracy theories and exploits. At this moment it all seems quiet, much like many servers due to school being back on and various other reasons.

Below you can see two excellent cinematic videos made by the player Dmonki. The first giving a good impression of the wasteland of spawn floating above a withered out cave that spans for hundreds if not thousands of meters. The second video gives you a look into the ruins of an old group base called Delphi which Dmonki was a part of.

If you would like your server showcased, get in contact with us using the blog email.

- James

James Rustles

James has been a regular player on 2b2t since late 2012. With a team of players, he runs this blog and a youtube channel, dedicated to preserving stories, adventures and history on - the best Minecraft anarchy server.